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Image by Domenico Loia


Empowering for Success

HLA-Global seeks to bring start-up dreams into the realm of reality. The company is founded on the principle that financial independence is achievable for anyone willing to grow. Kennedy Hlahla founder and CEO found financial independence and seeks to empower, not only small business owners, “the dreamers”, but also those who may have been down on their luck and are ready to make a change.

The company is experiencing rapid growth through global demand for our business model, services, and simply our ability to empower our clients and employees to innovate, create and inspire.

With a global network of collaborative e-consultants focused on your business hurdles, success, to us, is defined by you succeeding.

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Small Business Consultant



Our goal is to take problem solving and employment into a new symbiotic era. We want to solve two problems by aligning their interests:

  1. Create a safe, cost effective space that promotes and supports the creation of small to medium-size enterprises (Startups) 

  2. Provide a solution to mass unemployment and employee disengagement by empowering individuals to become their own employers and choose projects that engage them fully.

By creating an environment that supports ideation, incubation, prototyping and entrepreneurship HLA-Global creates a safe working environment for our clients to grow. By utilising our connected, collaborative, problem-solving approach we can ensure more efficient and accurate service offerings and full engagement. on the part of our consultants.

Simply put, HLA-Global seeks to provide you a plat-from for greatness.


About: About

It's rare to come across standout talent like Kennedy. I have known him for almost the entirety of my student and now adult career life and he's been a source of inspiration, mentoring me in the past and although it might sound cliché, he's been a real force of encouragement to go after the career I wanted and in his words 'deserved'. I am always in awe of Kennedy's ability to command a room and get people on board with ideas, even people who were initially on completely different pages and managing to leave everyone with a smile in the process. Kennedy would be a great asset to any team and as a team member or a leader, earns my highest recommendation.

Angela Lowe
Programme & Communities Manager at Women Political Leaders (WPL): "Equality is not a women's issue, it's a human issue."

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